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Team Building Tuesday LIVE Calls

This is part of a four part series of live calls, every week.

Tuesday night covers parts 1, 2 and 3 (see schedule below); Sunday night covers part 4.

  • Designed to support your Team Building Bonus goals of 5-1 and 10-1-10

  • Designed as an “Orientation” to our Business (for people taking a look)

3-way your guests, prospects and new team members onto these calls to accelerate your, and their, business.

Team Building Tuesday

Invite guests (customers and prospects) each Tuesday for an on-line WP (2) and VF Overview.

Log into www.jpvf.info and dial 1-805-399-1000 pin 717747# 5 min. before the call, which will start on time.

1. Healthy Living Presentation:

Using the Live Life to the Plus+ online booklet.

Call lasts approximately 30 minutes.

Every Tuesday at 5pm Pacific, 6pm Mountain, 7pm Central, 8pm Eastern

2. VF Overview:

Using the Embrace, Share, Inspire online booklet.

Call lasts approximately 30 minutes.

Every Tuesday at 6pm Pacific, 7pm Mountain, 8pm Central, 9pm Eastern

3. Healthy Living Presentation:

Using the Live Life to the Plus+ online booklet.

Call lasts approximately 30 minutes.

Every Tuesday at 6pm Pacific, 7pm Mountain, 8pm Central, 9pm Eastern

Start-up Sunday

Details are here.